- World-Class Speakers
- HR Recertification Credits
- Invaluable Global Network
- Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Curve

AFEE's Signature Programs
'The Art of Business & The Art of War: Using Military Strategies to Combat Challenges in Today’s Business World'
* June Session: June 7–11, 2021
* April Session: April 19–23, 2021
Objective: Help Empower Business Leaders (Women and Men) to Combat Challenges, Survive, and Thrive in Today’s Business World, through Insights and Lessons Learned from the Military World.

'Re-Engineering the Future of Business: How to Survive & Thrive in Today's New World'
* February 7-28, 2022
* October 4-8, 2021
* October 2020 to March 2021
Objective: Help Empower Business Leaders (Women and Men) to Successfully Drive their Companies in Today's New World
Custom Tailored Programs
For the George Washington University (GWU)
* Advanced Academic Writing Program (GWU Business School- with CEL- June 2024-Present)
* Executive Program on Instructional Course Design & Educational Technology (GWU Business School- Sep. 2023-Present)
Additional Programs
* Ethics, Innovation, & Inclusive Leadership (Jun. & Dec. 2022)
* Transformational Leadership Strategies (Nov. 2022, UAE)
* Emotional Intelligence for Self & Employee Empowerment (Oct. 2022)
* Employee Engagement (Feb. & Apr. 2022)
* Re-Imagining Leadership (Nov. 2021, UAE)
* On Demand Programs
Objective: Equip Business Leaders (Women and Men) and educators with the Essential Tools to Spearhead the Leadership Style of Tomorrow's Business and Education Worlds.

About AFEE
The American Foundation for Educational Excellence (AFEE) is an organization whose mission is to help, on a worldwide basis, influencers, leaders, managers of educational institutions, profit and non-profit organizations and corporations, to pursue excellence.
We seek to raise the bar and attain excellence by (1) improving leadership skills, managerial competencies and educational programs, namely through face-to-face and online training; (2) building new programs to better match local demand; (3) implementing a better incorporation of technology; (4) improving ethics and establishing the norm for service leadership; (5) paving the way towards achieving accreditation from the relevant agencies.
AFEE is an HRCI Approved Provider (AP). Participants in our programs will be able to receive Credits toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR Re-Certification.
[All HRCI-credentialed professionals rely on AP-approved events and activities to earn re-certification credits required to maintain their credentials.]
If you have any questions about the accreditation process or about re-certification credits, please contact us at
AFEE is a SHRM Recertification Provider. AFEE is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.
SHRM Recertification Providers are recognized as a “provider of choice” for SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credential holders working to maintain their credential. HR/HR-related educational offerings identified with the SHRM Recertification Provider badge let credential holders know the program is pre-approved by SHRM for recertification professional development credits (PDCs).

Ibrahim Abu Gharbieh
The Chairman's Legal Advisor, Department of Community Development, Government of Abu Dhabi, UAE
"This program was the best return on investment ever!" – November 2021

Ali Almahri
Budget Analyst, Department of Finance, Government of Abu Dhabi, UAE
"The best Program I have ever attended! The speakers and the subjects they talked about were so helpful!" – November 2021

Saleha AlZaabi
Director, Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, UAE Government
"This program is one of the best! It targets your "leadership soul" and provides you with the latest tools as well as the solid science of leadership!" – November 2021

Sola Aoun Bahous, MD
Dean of the Medical School, Lebanese American University (LAU)
"I would like to thank you for the outstanding Program on Leadership that I really enjoyed. The effort put into it is very well noticed and much appreciated. I personally enjoyed each and every webinar and benefited from them all. Your charisma and positive energy have translated into a great ambiance and a connection among attendees that is remarkable. I am impressed by your foundation and supportive of all your initiatives to empower women.”
– "Re-Engineering the Future of Business: How to Survive & Thrive in Today's New World," March 2021

Dr. Tony Asher
Founder of Weston, Inc., USA
Founder of the Asher Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, USEK
“No doubt the very best on-line learning event I have ever experienced or could ever imagine experiencing! This is the only learning event that captured my full attention for a five-hour day for five straight days. I wish that everyone could have the opportunity to experience this outstanding seminar! The subject matter and speakers were phenomenal!”
– "The Art of Business & The Art of War: Using Military Strategies to Combat Challenges in Today's Business World," April 2021

Tarek El Khoury
Senior Legal Consultant, Hadef & Partners, UAE
"The program 'Re-Imagining Leadership: Unleashing the Power Within' is an unprecedented series of sessions with world class professionals, designed for every leader across all business industries. This is a mind-opening, knowledge enriching and skill boosting training program that I highly recommend for those who want to make a difference and excel throughout their career." – November 2021

Sharief Fahmy
Executive Director, Aerospace Defense Organization, Kaman Corporation, Abu Dhabi, UAE
"One of the best leadership programs, especially during the new COVID world! It offers the right tools for executives in today's challenging professional environment." – November 2021

Mohamad Ramzi Labban
Training & Org. Development Manager, Thuwal Care Ltd., Jeddah-KSA
"A great program delivered by exceptional speakers & organized by a highly dedicated team! A must attend for any leader seeking to understand & implement leadership strategies & techniques." – November 2021

Brett Penhollow
Director of HR, Indevco North America
“Highly thought-provoking program! I liked the real world examples the speakers lived through and the approaches they tried to take, emphasizing the importance of situational awareness.”
– "The Art of Business & The Art of War: Using Military Strategies to Combat Challenges in Today's Business World," April 2021
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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. The information on this page shall be considered proprietary information not to be used, copied or reproduced in any way. No part of our presentations / workshops / webinars may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods.