Unique Programs for Accredited Executive Certificates in Leadership
- World-Class Speakers
- Accredited Certification
- Invaluable Global Network
- Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Our Programs
'The Art of Business & The Art of War: Using Military Strategies to Combat Challenges in Today’s Business World'
Part I: April 19–23, 2021
Part II: June 7–11, 2021
Objective: Help Empower Business Leaders (Women and Men) to Combat Challenges, Survive, and Thrive in Today’s Business World, through Insights and Lessons Learned from the Military World.

'Re-Engineering the Future of Business: How to Survive & Thrive in Today's New World'
June 21–25, 2021
Objective: Help Empower Business Leaders (Women and Men) to Successfully Drive their Companies in Today's New World
How to Build a Better Team & Survive in Today’s New World
Custom Tailored Program & Dates
Objective: Help Empower Business Leaders (Women and Men) to Successfully Build Better Teams and Successfully Drive their Companies in Today’s New World.

Past Program: 'Re-Engineering the Future of Business: How to Survive & Thrive in Today's New World'
October 2020 to March 2021
Objective: Help Empower Business Leaders (Women and Men) to Successfully Drive their Companies in Today's New World
About AFEE
The mission of the American Foundation for Educational Excellence (AFEE) is to help educational institutions and different organizations and corporations globally to pursue excellence. We assess needs, improve programs, build new programs, facilitate accreditation, and provide guidance throughout the process.
Member of AACSB
AFEE is an Associate Business Member of “AACSB Business Education Alliance,” the world’s largest global business education network, connecting educational institutions and businesses to develop exceptional global leaders. AACSB stands for “Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, it provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and learning and development services to over 1,700 member organizations and more than 840 accredited business schools worldwide.
ANSI Accreditation
We are very happy to share that AFEE is starting the accreditation process via ANAB: ANSI National Accreditation Board. ANSI stands for: The American National Standards Institute. ANAB is the largest accreditation body in North America; it provides services in more than 75 countries. Participants who will have attended at least 12 webinars and fulfilled the assessment and package requirements will receive an Executive Certificate in Leadership that we hope will be accredited by the American National Standards Institute’s National Accreditation Board (accreditation in progress). If you have any questions about the accreditation process, please contact us at info@foundationforeducation.org.


Sola Aoun Bahous, MD
Dean of the Medical School, Lebanese American University (LAU)
"I would like to thank you for the outstanding Program on Leadership that I really enjoyed. The effort put into it is very well noticed and much appreciated. I personally enjoyed each and every webinar and benefited from them all. Your charisma and positive energy have translated into a great ambiance and a connection among attendees that is remarkable. I am impressed by your foundation and supportive of all your initiatives to empower women.” – March 2021

Roy Daher
Teacher at Saint Joseph University; Customs Clearing Agent/Import Export – Beirut, Lebanon
"While leading a motivated team might not be as hard of a task to achieve, true leadership resides in the ability to motivate a less motivated team and to push the boundaries on multiple frontiers, including thought generation, performance, cooperation and teamwork, among others... This is in particular what I found most impactful in this Program on Leadership, as it helped me become a better leader, notably when working with a sub-optimally motivated team.” – March 2021

Amira Jaroudi
MS in Economic Policy, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut
"I am glad and grateful that you are the leader of this Program on Leadership. You added a spice of joy and humor to every single webinar. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this program. I assert that this Leadership Program is an effective Program which gave me a lot of insight into Leadership and a vision of the future I want for myself. And the way we interacted with other participants is very fruitful; it did enhance my knowledge.” – March 2021
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